
Physics explores questions like how did the universe start? How will it end? What is a black hole? Is time travel possible? Physics is a way of thinking.

If you have an enquiring mind and are always asking why things happen, then Physics will help you find the answers. It forms the basis of most modern technologies and holds the future to global well-being. It trains a mind to be capable of looking at problems and finding solutions. This makes the skills taught in Physics highly marketable and makes Physics a well-respected course when applying for Further Education.

The country is desperately short of Engineers and Scientists. Physics offers a route to a rewarding and well-paid profession with excellent job security.

In the Lower School we follow the Edexcel IGCSE course. We attempt to include as much practical work as possible. The course is up-to-date, relevant and challenging, providing an excellent foundation to study the sciences at a higher level.

At A Level we follow the AQA course and in the IB we offer both Higher Level and Standard Level Physics. Both courses are suitably rigorous, but with a strong emphasis on practical work.

Physics students have access to numerous super curricular offerings. With Oxford on our doorstep we are able to attend evening lectures, particularly those in the Science Festival of Ideas and those based at the Clarendon Laboratory. PhysSoc is our weekly society, largely student led, with a focus on Astronomy and using our excellent telescope. Every year our sixth form journey to Geneva to explore the CERN facility, an extremely popular and enjoyable trip.

Head of Department: Heather Murphy

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